Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quotes To Put On A Wedding Koozie

presentation design presentation design hora a hora monzuno

common monzuno

consortium epta.lavorosociale

with the contribution of

March 2 at 16:30
at the middle school I go to I go via IV Novembre n. 9 (Monzuno)

Presentation HORA project, Solidarity in living e qualità della vita delle donne madri

e del nuovo sito internet e software della Regione Emilia Romagna dedicato alle Banche del tempo


Patrizia Suppini (Banca del Tempo Monzuno)
Ermanno Pavesi (Assessore alla Cultura di Monzuno)
Salvatore Panu (Presentazione del progetto Hora)
Giusi Lumare (Presentazione software regionale)

Banca del Tempo di Monzuno
via Casaglia 1, Monzuno (BO)
Si riceve su appuntamento
Telefono : 348-1378015
E-mail :

per saperne di più sul progetto HORA e sulla rete regionale delle Bdt visita i siti

Project HORA
ATM Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:30 in Via Luigi Serra 2 / G , Bologna
tel. 051-0953429 cell. 340-8964948, e-mail:

What Do Zepose Pills Do

to bdt Reno (BO)

time bank reno

consortium epta.lavorosociale

with the contribution of

Monday, February 8 at 20:00

CIVIC CENTER DISTRICT RENO, Battindarno Street, 123

HORA Presentation of the project, Solidarity in living and quality of life of women and new mothers
website and software of the Emilia Romagna on banks Participants to the meeting time

Wanda Palmieri, Salvatore Panu
Bdt Reno, project Hora
Giusi Lumare, presentation software

to learn more about the project and the regional network HORA Bdt of the sites below


time bank
Via Battindarno 123 Reno, Bologna
door Monday at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
tel. 051-6195969, 6177811 e-mail:

Project HORA
ATM Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:30 in Via Luigi Serra 2 / G, Bologna
tel. 051-0953429 cell. 340-8964948, e-mail:

Symptoms Of Aspiration

hora project presentation in Pieve di Cento Ravenna

consortium epta.lavorosociale

with the contribution of

town of Pieve di Cento

Time Bank
Pieve di Cento

Saturday, February 6, 2010 at 16:00

at the Biblioteca Comunale in Piazza Andrea Costa

HORA Presentation of the project, Solidarity in living and quality of life of women and new mothers

website and software of the Emilia Romagna dedicated to Time Banks

Participants at the meeting

Rita Accorsi, Bdt Pieve Cento
Salvatore Panu, project Hora
Giusi Lumare, presentation software Regional
Laura Pozzoli, Councillor for Social Policies Pieve di Cento

to learn more about the project and the regional network HORA Bdt of the sites below


time bank Pieve di Cento
Piazza Andrea Costa 17, Pieve di Cento (BO) ATM
Friday 14:00-16:00
tel. 051-6862673, e-mail:

Project HORA
ATM Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:30 in Via Luigi Serra 2 / G, Bologna
tel. 051-0953429 cell. 340-8964948, e-mail: