Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Redeem Playstation Card

Theatre course for children

Theatre course for children 2010-2011
Educational activities, games, motor and introduction to the arts for children from 6 to 11 years

Theatre Configuration Ability Listening Music Rhythm Pictures Colors Emotions

at Environmental Education Center - Park Fontescodella Macerata
Period courses: October 2010 - May 2011
Professor: David Quintili

For information and registration:
Resources Scrl c / o CEA Fontescodella Macerata Park (adjacent to entrance ParkSA Giardini Diaz)
Tel 0733 280035 Mob. 3318783337 - risorse.didattica @ -

The purpose of the project lies mainly in process that aims to introduce children to different forms of art and its language, being by nature universal, can bring together, raise awareness, dialogue and live together all the possible differences, to discover that deep down they do not are nothing more than wealth and knowledge. Thanks to a journey through three different languages \u200b\u200bof art (theater, music and visual), children learn the research and the awareness of beauty and harmony of things, actions and words, but the creativity that goes through rules to follow for the success of a common project: the game of life. The art of reading and serve as a key instrument of civil life, of being a citizen of the world and harmony with the environment.

Duration of meetings: 1 h 30 min
Total matches: 30 (1 meeting / week - 30 weeks)
Periodo corsi: ottobre 2010 - maggio 2011
Giorni settimanali: lunedì
Orario: 17.30 - 19.00
Data di inizio: 18 ottobre 2010

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