Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kidney Stone Right Shoulder

Monday, February 7, 2011 - Training course for food industry professionals

Il corso, obbligatorio per gli addetti del comparto alimentare e che sostituisce il vecchio libretto di idoneita’ Health, aims to provide the necessary knowledge, within the sanitary system, such as to handle them properly and in compliance with hygiene rules, the various stages of acceptance, production, preparation, administration and sales of food and beverages.

Professor: Franco Bianco - Foundation ENAIP Como


031-290316 e-mail
E 'need to confirm your membership by February 5. To book è necessario indicare: nome, cognome, codice fiscale, eventuale P.ta IVA, luogo e data di nascita, indispensabili per la preparazione degli attestati che verranno rilasciati al termine del corso.

Effect Of Herpes On Heart

Cityville Bot Coins3 Plugin

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ns ɐ ɐʌoɹd
DIFFICULTIES ': 4 / 5 [HACKER] Difficulty Watch page [under construction]

Coins3 Plugin Download Download

CityVille Bot 1:52

Uninstall any previous versions of CityVille Bot
Install the version you just scaricata la 1.52
Estrai Coins3 e sostituisci i file presenti all'interno nelle cartelle d'installazione del programma!!!


Se non sapete usare il Bot vi rimando a guide precedenti di CityVille

Uninstall older version of CityVille Bot
Install v1.52 Cityville bot
Extract Coins3 plugin and replace 2 files in "C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\codebase-php" and paste the entire Coins3 folder in the Plugins folder located at "C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot\Plugins"
Remember to run CityVilleBot.exe as ADMINSTRATOR! Have fun! html

Friday, January 28, 2011

Betty Crocker Cake Mix Back

difference between Julian and Mark Zuckerberg Assange

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ns ɐ ɐʌoɹd

's the difference between the creator of Wikileaks' Julian Assange and the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg! Vote for your favorite! Share this article who prefer to write!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Homemade Rod Holders For Pontoon

Sunday, January 30, 2011 - MEMORIAL DAY to remember Holocaust

con il patrocinio del Comune di Moltrasio
con la collaborazione ARCI Moltrasio

intervenes Elizabeth Lombi - teacher, scholar of the Holocaust

Massimiliano Lepratti - violinist

# 20.15 DINNER
traditional Jewish culture dish (reservations required, free offer)

# 21.00 over our eyes
projection Film "Rightly or wrongly" of Istvan Szabo
Entrance fee of € 3.00 per Cinecircolo Comasco Coordination for Peace

Tel 031.290316

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Catchy Invitation Wordings

Solution Bubble Ball for iPhone 1-21 level

Solution Bubble Ball for iPhone 1-21 level

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd
DIFFICULTIES ': 4 / 5 [HACKER] See page Difficulty [under construction]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Best Group Fitness Certifications

nerd wedding cakes

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ns ɐ ɐʌoɹd

Gamer Wedding Cake Topper

Lego Wedding Cake Topper

Twitter Wedding Cake Topper

Pacman Wedding Cake Topper

Mario Bros Wedding Cake Topper

Monday, January 17, 2011

This To Say When Some Has A Baby

Youm on Google translator on Facebook FarmTown

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

1 - Go to Google
2 - Open Language Tools or click here
3 - Select from English to Italian
4 - Write Youm
5 - Listen to the translation:) Enjoy

Numero De Serie Del X-blade

Cheats with Cheat Engine

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐ ɐʌoɹd

DIFFICOLTA': 2/5 [ LAMER ] Guarda la pagina Difficoltà [in costruzione]

-open Firefox browser and go to your
-download a updated adobe flash player and then
-facebook account and go to your application in
- FameTown game go to Store and shop some
-go to Fashion catwalk and make a Fashion walk and make some money
-experience and Cash then open your cheat engine 5.6
-go back to you FameTown and check your money
-copy it. go to cheat engine and click the side bar to open and select your browser
-click Firefox.exe and click ok. the when you are finish copy your cash
-in FameTown put it into the VAlUE bar and Click First Scan after that go to the
-then make some Xp in the catwalk again then and Buy two dresses
-when you are Finish you can that your money has deducted
- FameTown in copy it again and Put into the
-VALUE bar and click Next Scan then at the cheat engine you can the FROZEN tab.
-Click the last address and underneath a small box appear just check and press ok
-Go back again to FameTown and buy something to your character then
-click anywhere in the screen wait for a while to Change the value
-of the money then you can see now that the cash has change.

Throat Blisters Picts

Play Click ' n 'Roll on

Giocare non è mai stato così semplice!

Concorso a premi di Virgin Radio.

Fai il login, clicca il tasto "Click'n'Roll" e partecipa al concorso.

Puoi vincere un fantastico Samsung Galaxy Tab e tante iTunes gift card per scaricare gratuitamente musica e applicazioni!

Gioca a Click 'n' Roll su

Trucchi Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐ ɐʌoɹd

Pimples In My Abdomen

Cityville Tips: Earn Extra Coins CityVille

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

extra coins on CityVille

WARNING : notice to all site visitors. For some 'time will put the difficulty of implementing the trick. Do not bore us with stupid comments, be sure to be able to have the knowledge to apply the trick!

DIFFICULTIES ': 4 / 5 [HACKER] See page Difficulties [under construction]

Download Cityville Bot [Download ]

Download Plugin for Bot [Download ]

1 - Download and Cityville Bot Plugin from the link on top
2 - Extract all folders in two
3 - Install Bot
4 - Copy the files in the Plugins folder of the bot just installed (eg C: \\ programs ...)
5 - The idea ': if you have empty land, start the bot with the CoutHouses, entered the game CourtHouses sell and repeat the trick. It 's a tedious method but it works!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pokemon Lugia Subtitle 2000

Hacking on the new facebook profile con le foto

This video how to hack the new Facebook profile with pictures!

No you succeed? Add me as a friend!

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

What Color Tie Withgrey Shirt

January 22, 2011 - cassoeula, cassoeula ...

DINNER on tradition

# lard, bacon and chestnuts and honey with feline salamene
# Cassoeula clamshell with polenta and salad in winter

# # pangialdina
cake, all served with an excellent Dolceta

Cost € 25.00

For information and reservations: Tel 031-290316

Cell 349-4665303 e-mail

Vba Gameshark Silver Look

Aggiornamenti Cityville Bot

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

Makeup for coins3 cityville bot [January 2011]

Download Cityville Bot [Download ]

Download Plugin for Bot [Download ]

Extract what you just downloaded in two folders.
installs CityVille Bot
Copy files of 2 pages in one where the bot is installed by replacing the files listed below:

C: \\ Program Files \\ CityVilleBot \\ codebase-php \\ BotClass.php
replace this file C: \\ Program Files \\ CityVilleBot \\ codebase-php \\ LocalDataClass.php
replace this file C: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ Neighbors \\ *
replace C: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ Energy \\ *
replace C: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ UnlimitedCoins \\ * replaceC: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ Crops \\ *
replace C: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ GameInfo \\ *
replace C: \\ Program Files \\ Plugins \\ Multi \\ * replace

Open CityVilleBot.exe (for users of Vista and Win7 right button and choose "Run As Administrator")
Revenue on Facebook
Click "Start"
Watch the Bot is activated.

Click PluginsManager to TURN ON / OFF the trick when you want

Come back soon for further explanation on the Bot
Have fun!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

No Ps3 Hdmi Mitsubishi

Auto inviarsi regali su Frontierville

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

Go to page: Gifts Frontierville


Enter your user ID in the box at Facebook high.

Things to do: Find IDs of your friends and save them in a text document under each other,
così il giorno dopo basta copiare ed incollare l'ID direttamente dal blocco note

L'utente deve essere un amico di Facebook e vicino di Frontierville
È possibile inserire sia il nome utente o il numero ID
È possibile inserire user id multipli, separati da virgole (esempio: "12345, johnsmith, janesmith, 67.890")
Per trovare un ID utente di Facebook, andare al suo profilo. L'URL sarà uno dei uno dei formati di seguito. La parte in grassetto è il nome utente o ID. = 12345 johnsmith

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is Brown Mucus The Start Of A Late Period?

Trucchi Facebook: Universal Gift Collector

Trucchi Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

Download Universal Gift Collector

With Universal Gift Collector, you can accept or ignore any request Facebook game in just one click.
Just select from the list of applications that you want to accept or ignore, and the tool will do the rest of the work per voi, senza la necessità di ricaricare la tua pagina di Facebook.

Scarica Universal Gift Collector


With Universal Gift Collector you can accept or ignore every Facebook game request in just one click.
Just select from the list the requests you want to accept/ignore and the tool will do the rest of the work for you without the need to reload your facebook page.

Download Universal Gift Collector


  • FarmVille
  • Treasure Isle
  • FrontierVille
  • PetVille
  • FishVille
  • Contry Life
  • Mafia Wars Game
  • Fantasy Wars
  • Pet Society
  • Restaurant City
  • World War
  • MMA Pro Fighter
  • Pirates: Rule the Caribbean!
  • Mobsters 2: Vendetta
  • YoVille
  • Gifts
  • Café World
  • Texas HoldEm Poker
  • Super Fun Town
Download Universal Gift Collector

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inurl:“live View / - Axis

Farmville Duck Pond

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

Farmville introduces the duck pond! Your feathered friends, the ducks and swans of Farmville will finally have his own house. Please note that this feature is currently in slow-release and not all farmers have access right now.

First we must build our Duck Pond. Every Duck Pond can contain up to 20 ducks and we gather once a day (as in the barn, chicken coop, etc. etc.) to earn coins and possibly find a duckling!

The Duck Pond needs to be built 20 Watering cans and 20 blades. Watering and both blades are on the page or you can request them through Farmville Gifting''Ask''button inside the building

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cute Ideas For A Facebook Profile Pic

basket of offers and news - 08/01/2011

we indicate the latest offers and news


Aam Terra Nuova - January 2011
Almond Cream White 100% - 200 gr
small Lentils - 400g
Mais au naturel - 160 gr
peas cooked in brine - 160g
Carnaroli White Rice - 500 gr
Durum wheat flour - 1 kg
Green Tea Bulk - 125 gr
Kamut Drink - 0.75 lt
Tea Pomegranate - 30 oz
Less Stress Tea - 30 grams

Special offer (25% discount) for short periods of time (offer valid while supplies last)

Hazelnut Biscotti - 200 g (Deadline January 21)
Couscous white from Palestine - 400 gr (Deadline January 21)
Granola with Berries - 375 gr (Deadline Feb. 8)
Margheritine Cocoa - 350 g (Deadline Feb. 9)
Trofie - 500 gr (Deadline February 10)
Pan rye - 500 gr (Deadline February 15)
cous cous rice - 500 grams (Deadline February 21)
Maize Seed Oil - 1 l (Deadline February 26)

Special price (-50%) (while supplies last)

Dolce native plant - 750 gr
Aam Terra Nuova - December 2009
Aam Terra Nuova - July / August 2010
Aam Terra Nuova - October 2010
Aam Terra Nuova - November 2010
allowances Soul
Flowers fragrant saffron flowers - 12 pcs

GaiaTerra Cooperative

Where Can I Buy A Halfpipe

January 14, 2011 - EVENING DE ANDRE '

- at 19:00 in appetizer music
- hours 21:00 presentation of the book "De Andrè in class" with the author Massimiliano Lepratti

MENU - appetizers Ligurian
- trofie pesto
- Stroscio
cake - water and wine Vermentino
- coffee

Cost € 20.00

For information and reservations

Tel 031 290316 Mobile 335-388250 Mobile 349-4665303

The book, next to a path on the origins of the works of Genoese singer-songwriter, offers ideas to work in the school to from his songs.
A fascinating journey through literature, music, history and philosophy, which stimulates the interest of studenti e apre a un rinnovamento della didattica.

"La canzone può essere il più alto e penetrante strumento artistico della cultura popolare, come ci ha testimoniato Fabrizio. E quando è tale, è ricca di valori formativi e di potenzialità didattica" (dalla Prefazione di don Andrea Gallo)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Firewire To Gigabit Ethernet Converter

Trucchi Cityville : Costruire edifici all'istante

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐ ɐʌoɹd

Aggiornamento CityVille Bot  Clicca qui

1- Entra in Cityville e inserisci molti campi vuoti

2- Scarica i file necessari e sostituiscili nella cartella del CityvilleBot (2 files in codebase-php folder e SpecialItems nella cartella Plugins).
Cityville Pro [ Scarica ]
Cityville Bot [ Scarica ]

3- Fai partire il CityVilleBot. Vedrai un Tab SpecialItems ( se non lo vedi hai sbagliato qualche passaggio)
Se hai campi vuoti il Bot li vedrà.

4- Ora seleziona l'edificio che vuoi e clicca su Save

5- Il Bot lo costruirà in un attimo. Puoi costruire un solo edificio ad ogni login.

6- Condividi quest'articolo su Facebook, in alto a dx del post troverai il bottone per farlo

Ti è piaciuto l'articolo? Diventa lettore del blog!!!
Scarica eMule gratis e accedi alla rete P2P piú fastest in the world!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yam Tempura How To Make

Facebook Game Simplifier per Cityville

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ns ɐ ɐʌoɹd

Attention: the program must: "google chrome".

Just look 'here:

Thanks to this fantastic little program you can automatically accept bonuses, gifts, etc. .. .. c Cityville up! In this way you will not make it harder to accept the bonus with the classic so boring and slow, in fact, the program allows you to do everything automatically increasing to excess capacity in your town!

What do I need? Simply click on this link and install the porogramma!

https: / / / extensions / detail / effhaohnpfmphdbipcijflpkkgpakcma? Hl = en

What are you waiting?