Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Kind Of Paint Inside Microwave?


PISTOIA. This was following the action on the problem of Fratoni Apt

Province, met Fratoni
"A role for all the territories"

At the time strongly scettica sull’abolizione delle Apt, la presidente della Provincia Federica Fratoni si è detta soddisfatta della soluzione individuata dalla Regione. «In questo modo – ha detto al termine dell’incontro a Palazzo Balì – viene assicurato un ruolo ai diversi territori. Ho voluto questo appuntamento – ha detto la Fratoni – per offrire un confronto diretto con la Regione e il suo impegno promozionale, anche di fronte al ruolo importante delle Province. Vorrei un’integrazione efficace tra pubblico e privato per una programmazione che tenga conto delle esigenze territoriali. Per questo abbiamo voluto due incontri per zone diverse. La Provincia garantirà il contatto, con la disponibilità degli operatori».

Is there any content in these words? Objectively, we can not find it.
Perhaps it would be to react with three famous lines of Montale taken from not cut, scissors, that face :

and Acacia wound itself shakes
shell of the cicada
mire in the first of November.

Click to enlarge.
[Thursday, March 10, 2011]

Father Helping Daughter Masterbate


PISTOIA. Do you remember the project veltroni the school bus to school on foot or something like that?
The creativity of the left is some really feisty and unstoppable.
With the usual invent system, prior to the end and sophisticated point of view of proliferation from the Alexandrian Synesius who write the 'praise of baldness (Guido Ceronetti but already had designed the' praise of bottone o il viaggio attraverso l’intestino in un libro gustosissimo intitolato La musa ulcerosa , 1978, Rusconi), anche come mangiare senza aprire bocca ma masticando comunque aria , o nuotare fuor d’acqua o rapporti sessuali completi rispettando l’assoluta castità . E questo farebbe piacere anche a Benedetto, alla Cei e perfino a don Sciortino.
Il professor Angelo Borchi, preside del Fedi, ma già eccellente docente di matematica dello scientifico di Pistoia – ad oggi consigliere comunale, ma in un passato recente pure segretario ciggiellino ed altro –, ha dato vita al servizio a lezione without the lesson to help long-term care to overcome the difficulties of not being able to follow the curriculum hours, if confined to bed for reasons of force majeure.
Borchi provide them with computers donated by a bank of Pistoia, and young people catch up pounding on the keyboards.
contrary: they can not hide behind the fact that they lost because lessons logs in orthopedic medicine or tired or feverish in bed in a hospital as Manzoni with pc (for Borch, perhaps, better PCI ...) provided from the school, everyone will recover infused knowledge in a ballet.
As good Iconoclasts which we feel to be - iconoclasts, of course, of demagogy - we like to shoot on such ideas, advocated by men who, like most of the leaders of this poor nation of illiterates through 68, which left the roles of teachers and infilatisi for a thousand random reasons (mostly political) in the roles of executives now feel they have invested of the Montessori syndrome or Gentile (Gentile) to the bitter end: the Berlinguer we can not say, because, Despite the promise / premise, Berlinguer inherited a school's dress patched as a homeless man (also because of Berlusca and D'Onofrio), and returned more tattered, frayed and lisa with a mantle of a sixty untouchable (Dalit ) Indian lying on the pyre.
So full of holy fury of infused knowledge, to make them more visible, also put in bridge projects strangest and most innovative , as they would say: projects, teachers, never operate it with tips of fingers with pliers or forceps.
We also pc a hypothetical long-stay to the poor. It will certainly alleviate his pain, allowing him to devote himself to run around on the internet and video games while è dolorosamente inchiodato a letto.
Col dirigismo aziendalista dei postcomunisti, c’è da vedere pure che Borchi faccia votare l’ obbligatorietà dell’azione penale agli organi della sua scuola, per costringere gli utenti/sudditi a doversene giovare standosene appiccicati-forzati a uno schermo lcd per sentir videoconferenze delle più disparate/disperate materie. Tutto per imposta, santa democrazia: ex dottrina marxo-leninista secondo cui il pubblico ha assoluto e sacro diritto di imporre il suo punto di vista al privato. Per il suo bene.
Dato però che Borchi è un illuminato (o retroilluminato, come un lcd), perché not even the most advanced project launches and grand?
A school without going to school with the use of Pd .

pc ... Oooops, sorry!

Click to enlarge.
[Thursday, March 10, 2011]

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wake Board Behind Seadoo Challenger


PISTOIA-PIANA. Se il coordinamento dei comitati e il locale comitato stesso ieri chiedevano una risposta ai loro dubbi dopo il comunicato-stampa dell’assessore provinciale Fragai comparso su Nazione e Tirreno , ecco che oggi la risposta arriva, immediata e chiara: da essa è possibile capire che l’impianto è un problema. E non si meni troppo il can per l’aia perché nessuno è stupido.
Stamattina Fragai ci racconta, in cronaca, che una parte dell’impianto resterà chiusa fino ad accertamenti ultimati, e che riaprirà solo se gli esiti saranno favorevoli.
One wonders, however, how reliable - in terms of security - an installation that is not a month goes by that there are no problems or one side or the other. It's all an overrun.
However, beyond the events, the most annoying aspect of the matter is unpleasant and juice intervention Fragai and plant managers, brief, as it seems, from the title of Tirreno " hazardous waste exports. If serve other sites, the costs will be borne by the community. "
And when did the costs were not borne community? When the incinerator was never a gain for local people?
The words sound like a threat and a rebuke to the committees seem to be identified as solely responsible for the increased costs and problems that are poured on citizens.

Cheers nobody mentions.

Click to enlarge.
[Thursday, March 10, 2011]

Blowout Haircut Description


Pistoia-FLAT. receive and publish immediately alarmed the press release of the National Coordinating Committees antinceneritoristi Plains.

Close immediately
plant Montale

learn from the press that the ' incinerator di Montale chiude, ma… solo un poco!
I tentativi degli amministratori di mantenerlo aperto – almeno in parte – sono insostenibili e anche maldestri.
Hanno deciso di chiudere la linea 3 per “manutenzione”, ma il suo mantenimento era oramai improponibile visto che anche il terzo controllo ha superato il valore limite di attenzione previsto dall’Autorizzazione.
Non vogliamo entrare nel merito delle capacità aritmetiche dell’Ass. Fragai quando afferma che 81 è di “poco superiore” a 50 (50 picogrammi per metro cubo è il valore limite di attenzione, mentre con 100 picogrammi per metro cubo è obbligatoria la denuncia penale e la chiusura).
In ossequio alla vantata trasparenza dell’Amministrazione Provinciale non ci è dato conoscere i risultati completi delle analisi delle diossine; non sarà forse perché non si vuol far sapere che il limite di legge di 100 picogrammi per metro cubo è già stato superato?
Il dubbio ci sembra legittimo, in quanto l’autorizzazione rilasciata all’impianto prevede che tassativamente si debba conteggiare nelle analisi anche il valore di incertezza, cosa che la Provincia sembra ignorare.
Il fatto certain is that the plant should be closed immediately because the other lines are demonstrably of "sieve".
For example in line 1, which would still be running, how much you can read in the last inspections posted on the website of the Province, died on charcoal twice: on the nights of 15 and January 24, this in flagrant violation of the authorization.
We realize that without adequate treatment with activated carbon abatement, the emission of dioxins and PCBs is confident and assured.
Because of what happened, non solo in passato ma anche oggi, ribadiamo che questo impianto non è affidabile sia sul versante sanitario che su quello economico e ambientale.
È vero che sono necessari nuovi controlli, ma da parte di altri controllori.
Aspettiamo fiduciosi l’azione della Magistratura e gli Organi Centrali dello Stato.

Comitato per la chiusura dell’inceneritore di Montale
Coordinamento dei comitati della piana Fi-Po-Pt

Click to enlarge.
[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Selling Blood, Chicago


PISTOIA. The Northern League sends us the following statement, which promises to be a conference on the topic of SMEs and the Made in Italy.

Please post the announcement of the conference to be held on Saturday 12 hours 17 by the Ancients Stores, Ripa Community in Pistoia on the craft and SME Made in Italy.
The theme is important: These are the problems of small business in this time of crisis are suffering more than others and deserve attention constitutes the economic fabric of our country.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Daniel Simionato

Click to enlarge.
[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Can You Put Dickies Work Pants In The Dryer


Pistoia-FLAT. few days ago, Turkish and Cecilia Andrea Niccolai, indicted for defenders of the incinerator for slippages of Montale (Indeed, if we are not mistaken, in 2007) had publicly stated that, while not the outside, correct in form and mode, could not help but to externalize their thoughts (see this post ).
It denies any wrongdoing in an ASL of doctors to have acted on their own initiative and more - as you can see the note below that appeared in The Nation .

Now the two lawyers will have an adequate and appropriate response to their ASL avvocatescamente incorrect externalization.
Asl The lawyers of the accused
"correct investigation on the plant"

In relation to the statements of lawyers and Turkish Cecilia Andrea Niccolai investigations that led to referral review their patients and Maurizio Angelo Fazio Capocci for breach of the permit procedures in order to Integrated Environmental procedures for transposition of the activated carbon for the incineration of Montale, published in the local press last Saturday, March 5, where we quote ... states that "the investigations begin with a report of a medical officer ASL that own initiative and on the basis of personal reconstruction, and in our opinion completely wrong, unfounded accusation has proposed a theory ...", the direction of the Department ASL 3 indicates that prevention activities of the medical officer has been successfully pursued through the specific skills and for the institutional purposes of protecting public health their ASL. Note, also, that the investigation initiated by the medical officer of ASL to bring a case to trial, have apparently been confirmed by the criminal investigations carried out and subsequently endorsed by the prosecution, and therefore are difficult to define personal or completely incorrect.

Click to enlarge.
[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Waxing Legs Salon Games


QUARRATA. Ha voglia Giancarlo Zampini su La Nazione a segnalare le discariche abusive di Quarrata.
Nessuno lo prenderà mai in seria considerazione. Da nessuna parte.
Non vi ricordate che proprio il responsabile del territorio, l’architetto Bellomo, era, a sua volta, responsabile di due discariche, una situata dietro l’allora scuola d’arte (materiali inerti: eppure Giusti per l’edilizia, per lo stesso motivo, è finito fra gli investigation of the prosecutor's office, while she no) and one in the area of \u200b\u200bthe old slaughterhouse at the new headquarters of the Red Cross?
What about when these officials are as big as pigeons cooing with the poor people, who gladly pull the solemn blows?

What is the legality of this as common as those of Mayor Sergio Gori, always ready to organize meetings to affirm, trumpeting the values \u200b\u200bof Constitution and the law.
Quarrata, discovered a landfill
abusive Via Larga

There is no end to the closure of waste along the territory quarratino, guilty of count many industrial areas, why it is targeted by many people, more and more convinced to get away. On this occasion, some people have referred the situation in Via Larga, an industrial area but also residential, where there are many terraced houses.
Well, first of two boxes full of bags, we do not know what, several panes of glass leaning against the wall of a laboratory, some of them shattered. One thing that happens every day. Recently, the citizens had highlighted the many truck tires and batteries dropped off in Florence, in this case special waste. "Unfortunately - they say - these vandals are never seen by anyone, this is the actual breakdown of who does the right thing."

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[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Legal Version Of Age Of Empires Full


SERRAVALLE. The news is curious. And funny. But - you know ...? - When you want to give strength to blame the saints, there is always a Knight at hand ...
The knife cuts the government dates back a few months ago, as did the chair of Serravalle to ruin so quickly?
O sucked even before there is something that does not come back ...?
Do not think that our politicians have the ass too attached to the chairs and weight and this resulted in accelerated wear extraordinary furnishings indicted?

Sarà un segno divino per dire che c’è bisogno di… ‘volti’ nuovi?
* * *
E si ruppe la sedia
del consigliere

La mannaia del governo centrale sugli enti locali non miete soltanto vittime illustri. A cadere sotto il peso delle ristrettezze economiche anche gli arredi. Il crollo durante il consiglio comunale, a Serravalle: una sedia, logora dal tempo, ha ceduto, trascinando down an adviser. "Tomorrow we change the meetings" the mayor announced between irony and seriousness.
[Source: The Tirreno ]

Click to enlarge.
[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Sentiments For Shower Card


PISTOIA. Il Tirreno , with commendable diligence, warns us of the liturgies of the day today, speaking of the ashes and their symbolic value.
However, we believe that rather than turn his attention to the people of the lost sheep and its sins, the newspaper should act as a citizen, not a minor, a calendar-memo directly to the Curia and the person of the Bishop, which was forgotten - apparently - of its major duties towards his spiritual children: to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is not only on theological issues e di fede, ma anche su quelle umane, che in provincia non possono essere direttamente delegate solo ed unicamente alle prese di posizione di don Sciortino e della sua Famiglia cristiana .
In ispecie – come suggeriamo nel titoletto – vorremmo che il vescovo ci parlasse, apertis verbis e con chiarezza evangelica, di quel pasticcio che è l’Aias: un lato oscuro del quale il vertice della chiesa pistoiese ha larga parte in ogni senso – almeno da quanto abbiamo capito da ciò che è successo e dagli stessi documenti che abbiamo pubblicato, ignorati dagli organi di stampa locali.

Sua Eccellenza dovrebbe farlo, ovviamente, invitando in primis i responsabili di quel pasticcio al rito delle ceneri con tutto ciò che esso comporta.
* * *
Con il rito delle Ceneri
si apre il periodo quaresimale

Comincia la Quaresima e comincia con il rito delle ceneri: l’imposizione, sul capo dei fedeli, di qualche granello di polvere con la tradizionale formula pronunciata dal sacerdoti: «ricordati che sei polvere e in polvere tornerai: dunque convertiti e credi the gospel. " Bishop Mansueto Bianchi celebrates Ash Wednesday, in the Cathedral, at 21 tonight, but in all the parishes of the diocese, even at different times, there will be space for this particular moment of reflection and penitence. Also this year, and is now a tradition, some pastoral offices of the diocese has prepared a grant that accompanies and facilitates the use of this important moment in the life of every Christian. It is prepared by the diocesan offices catechesis, liturgy, missions, with a presentation of Caritas Don Christian D'Angelo, vicar for pastoral .

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[ Ash Wednesday - March 9, 2011]

Knee Arthroscopy Scar Tissue


Pistoia-FLAT. How to give credit to the press organized?
Just look at these two 'news', and suddenly felt a deep sense of unease and anxiety before the official information - and want even more detached from the streets structured in favor of alternatives: first, the blogs and websites.
read these two news items.
La prima è la versione Nazione ; l’altra è la versione Tirreno .
Chi legge solo uno dei due quotidiani, non se ne rende conto. Il confronto sinottico, la collazione dei due manufatti ci dà, invece, sùbito l’idea dell’esatta prospettiva: si tratta di una ‘comunicazione della provincia’, utilizzata come se fosse informazione autoprodotta, mentre in realtà non è che una velina . Peggio che mai, dunque.
E Il Tirreno , da questo punto di vista, batte il record: perché, come vedete, inserisce anche la scritta © Riproduzione riservata in the piece, even appropriating what is not his.

How to believe in this kind of information so domestic and friendly ? Yet people pay for it if the newspaper ...
1. Montale. The decision of the province
after the exceedance
new controls via the incinerator
will stop a production line

Party the second phase of the controls required by the Province of Pistoia sull'inceneritore Montale, off-line. The commissioner
Fragai: "As per procedure opens the second phase of sampling, this time a firm line, for monitoring the proper functioning of the system." Part
so this stage of investigation ordered by the Province of Pistoia sull'inceneritore Montale, after the sampling carried out by ARPAT last February 17, suffered ng/Nm3 TEQ values \u200b\u200bof 0081, just over the threshold of concern of 0.05 ng/Nm3 TEQ (further ordered by the province) but still below the limits established by law.
monitoring of values, in accordance with the provisions of the procedure for the control system, continuous time off-line, so as to enable all the additional inspections and possible maintenance.
"continue on the road so far drawn, or the constant monitoring by the agencies and the absolute transparency of data and analysis - spiega l’assessore all’ambiente della Provincia di Pistoia, Rino Fragai – la procedura di controllo stabilita dalla Provincia prevede due fasi. In caso di superamento del valore di attenzione di 0,05 ng/Nm3 Teq, che, mi preme sottolineare, è un limite ulteriore di cautela imposto dalla Provincia ed è più restrittivo rispetto ai parametri di legge, le operazioni vengono compiute, in un primo momento, a linea in marcia».
«Se i livelli di Pcdd/pcdf rientrano nella soglia di attenzione, la linea di smaltimento rimane regolarmente in funzione, altrimenti viene disposto lo spegnimento per ulteriori verifiche, fino alla risoluzione del problema».
«Nel pieno rispetto delle regole, pertanto, abbiamo Ladurner sent to the lock request of line 3 of the incinerator, in order to allow the conduct of any subsequent analysis - continued Councillor Fragai - in this context, I would, of course, avoid unnecessary alarm, assuring all citizens that the temporary detention of the line is simply an action that falls within the practice, adopted to control the plant, and does not depend on any further cause. "
[Source: The Nation ]

2. the second phase
emissions sampling,
blocked line 3
incinerator, new controls
Dioxins in February found
Arpat from another overrun

MONTALE. Part the second phase of the audit, to be off line, required by the Province of Pistoia sull'inceneritore Montale.
«Si apre – spiega l’assessore provinciale all’ambiente Rino Fragai – la seconda fase di campionature, stavolta a linea ferma, per il monitoraggio del buon funzionamento dell’impianto».
Seconda fase disposta dalla Provincia di Pistoia sull’inceneritore di Montale, dopo che il campionamento, effettuato dall’Arpat lo scorso 17 febbraio, aveva riportato valori pari a 0.081 ng/Nm3 Teq, di poco superiori alla soglia di attenzione (di 0,05 ng/Nm3 Teq), ma sempre inferiore ai limiti stabiliti dalla legge.
Il monitoraggio dei valori, in base a quanto disposto dalla procedura per il controllo dell’impianto, continuous time off-line, so as to enable all the additional inspections and possible maintenance. "We continue on the path so far traced - Fragai says - that the constant monitoring by the agencies and the absolute transparency of data and analysis. The control procedure comprises two stages. Upon successful completion of the attention value of 0.05 ng/Nm3 Teq operations are carried out, at first, to "march in line." If the levels of PCDD / F fall in the threshold of attention, the line of disposal is regularly in use, otherwise disposed off for further testing until the problem is resolved. "
"In full compliance with the rules - continues Fragai - we sent the request to block the Ladurner line 3 of the incinerator, in order to allow the holding of all subsequent analysis. In this context, I would, of course, avoid unnecessary alarm, assuring all citizens that the temporary detention of the line is simply an action that falls within the practice, adopted to control the plant, and does not depend on any further cause. "
[Source: The Tirreno ]

Click to enlarge.
[ thin incinerator Ash Wednesday, March 9, 2011]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pikachu Card With A W

Basket of offers and news - 08/03/2011

We indicate the latest offers and news


Aam Terra Nuova - March 2011
Primera Estrella - 350 gr
Bruschetta eggplant and artichokes - 280 gr
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Split peas - 400 g
Bio flesh into pieces - 400 gr
Up Ribe Parboiled rice - 1 kg

Special Products (25% discount) for short periods of time (offer valid while supplies last)

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Kamut Crackers - 290 g (Deadline March 18)
Asprette the taste of lemon and pineapple - 75 oz (Deadline March 30)
Corn Penne Rigate - 500g (Deadline March 30)
Ginger & Cocoa - 100 g (Deadline March 31)
Azimetti wheat tomato and oregano - 125 gr (deadline April 2)
Spaghetti Corn - 500 gr (Deadline April 13)
Eye Beans - 400 gr (Deadline April 25)
Pine - 70 gr (Deadline April 27)
green lentils - 500 g (Deadline April 30)
Mexico Salsa medium - 180 grams (Deadline April 30)
Barretta apricot and dark chocolate - 35 grams (Deadline May 10)

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QUARRATA. receive and publish the following statement by Daniel inoltratoci Manetti.

From Legambiente
Circle Agliana Quarrata
To all the friends of Quarrata

Serata Fotosub: le bellezze della natura, il rispetto del mare.
Venerdì 11 marzo 2011, presso l’auditorium della Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Vignole, grande serata di fotografia.
Il ritrovo è previsto alle ore 21,30, con accoglienza e piccolo buffet.
Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi a Tina Gori ( ), Tel 3386543003.

Un saluto a tutti e un invito a partecipare alla serata.
Daniele Manetti
Cliccare sull’immagine per ingrandirla.
[Martedì 8 marzo 2011]

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PISTOIA. The words of truth of the president of the province should be given relief and the credit they deserve: what is right is right.

is not at all satisfied with Federica Fratoni image of women that the media are conveying. "Recently - continues - we are witnessing an unacceptable commodification: model is presented to the young woman, driven to perfection, it is unacceptable . Do not forget that beauty is more important than the brain. In this sense, the celebration of 8 March has a very special significance and serves to remind us that there is a world of women who work daily in all areas and must be respected and valued. "
[Source: The Nation, March 8, 2011]

The President's try to look at the pictures she gives of himself to young girls - icons, too, that seem taken from world of movies and fairy tales, and baby powder soft.
And now even trying to ask if it's really in tune with what he told the nation ...

Happy March 8, President!

Click to enlarge.
[Tuesday 8 marzo 2011]

How Does Ur Period Look Like


PISTOIA-MOUNTAIN. Every day bad news for ordinary people who work. Every day he always find new ones.
Today we learn with great satisfaction, that the bus schedules, which should take the train runs canceled, not square.
And even today we raise a hymn of praise to the Almighty for giving us allowed to live in a country whose directors are intelligent guide that prove true emanations of the divine-providence.

Praise to you, or Ceccobao!

Click to enlarge.
[Tuesday, March 8, 2011]

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Happens If I Dont Treat Herpes


QUARRATA . Open the newspaper and not understand anything. That's what happened to us this morning, reading the news that I say, published by The Nation .

Santomato Santonuovo
response items
'Diversified Services
The gain is for all "

Post Office Santomato devoted exclusively to business: here comes the reply of the Italian Post. "Our speech - said the director of a subsidiary of Pistoia Rita Veroni - ha lo scopo di valorizzare la peculiarità di un territorio a matrice fortemente imprenditoriale, in un momento in cui c’è tutta la necessità di sostenere l’attività delle imprese. Il comune di Quarrata è il secondo nella provincia per presenza di piccole e medie imprese locali. L’intervento si attua trasformando l’attuale ufficio di Santonuovo in ufficio PosteImpresa, prolungando l’orario di apertura (attualmente limitata al solo mattino) anche al pomeriggio e creando, quindi, un punto vendita dedicato alle aziende». «Presso l’ufficio – aggiunge Rita Veroni – sarà a disposizione della nostra clientela business personale specializzato in funzione dei settori di attività presenti territory. This reorganization takes place in a communal context in which they are currently five offices: Santonuovo, Montemagno of Quarrata, Olmi, Chain and Quarrata, it opened the whole day. "
"The situation in the scheme - claims Veroni Rita - will, therefore, throughout the city in an overall increase in supply (with the opening of another office in the afternoon), increased presence of personnel of the Italian Post Office to service businesses, and no doubt an improvement in the quality of service Quarrata office, which will be dedicated at this point only to private clients. customers Santomato will continue to take advantage of several services through the ATM located outside the premises of the office and on call 24 hours on 24. "

is true that, if we read the piece, in the end we realize that this is the problem of items Santonuovo.
is true that, if we look to the end, the mechanism by which it has gone from Santonuovo Santomato to depend on - it seems to understand - by an error in the Italian Post Office (note that to speak of Santomato is Director of Post of Pistoia, Rita Veroni, inside the quotation marks of the press).
But it is also true that a paper record that is the most popular, should not distract on a particular importance of this: especially after all the dust raised in Quarrata from all over the town from all over the Pd and all the people of Santonuovo.
with the efficiency that's out there - starting with the Italian Post Office - every day we are in the midst of the errors. See, for example, what's going on (always on The Nation today) regarding bus schedules, which should replace the racing trains on Porrettana: it is a disaster of inexplicable mistakes and contradictions.

that efficiency is only one coat of paint on a building facade in total - the world of work, in fact - that literally falls to pieces ...?

Click to enlarge.
[Tuesday, March 8, 2011]

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PISTOIA. is emblematic letter appeared this morning (March 7) on the Tyrrhenian . Emblematic because, while it is true that it contains the answers to Porta Nuova Pallini were the only real patches of the town (see this post).
But emblematic for the ironic comments - as pointed out by Mr. Scognamiglio - the first citizen of Pistoia, to whom he dedicated The Nation, just yesterday, a large space like a Magnificat for his talent and private business and family, which is not - in this case - to as many public virtues.
Why things are what they are, although at a mayor that can not be liked or even annoying.
And if the true percentages are those suggested by the citizen who grumbles (10% and 5%, to be clear: see below), Berti wants to do irony: Porta Nuova is hurt and is not normally Another answer that ironic!
La Porta new
is not in good standing

It is not okay! The works for the construction of the underpass of the new port are far from complying with the regulations in force concerning elimination of architectural barriers. The slope of the pedestrian area, permitted the transit of pedestrians, wheelchair users, cyclists and 10%, while the rules provide for a maximum gradient of 5%, twice the allowable limit. This creates a huge inconvenience not only to people who are moving in a wheelchair, but also to elderly pedestrians with difficulty and effort in the various movements of walking, as well as parents pushing strollers. There remain, moreover, strong doubts of regularity on the path of the pedestrian area, in fact, going through it towards the entrance to Via Pertini dell'Annona leads to a sharp bend just after the descent of the slope in question. The risk of accidents between cyclists and pedestrians who walk down this or people in wheelchairs coming from the opposite direction is very high, but the indignation of the writer is directed mainly to the ironic commentary of the first city that appears in that article: "I am comments tend to understate the importance of this work, "is a derogatory way to stand against certain social groups of citizens, ignoring the discomfort highlighted.
Mario Scognamiglio
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[Monday, March 7, 2011]