Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crusing Spots In North Jersey


PISTOIA. The words of truth of the president of the province should be given relief and the credit they deserve: what is right is right.

is not at all satisfied with Federica Fratoni image of women that the media are conveying. "Recently - continues - we are witnessing an unacceptable commodification: model is presented to the young woman, driven to perfection, it is unacceptable . Do not forget that beauty is more important than the brain. In this sense, the celebration of 8 March has a very special significance and serves to remind us that there is a world of women who work daily in all areas and must be respected and valued. "
[Source: The Nation, March 8, 2011]

The President's try to look at the pictures she gives of himself to young girls - icons, too, that seem taken from world of movies and fairy tales, and baby powder soft.
And now even trying to ask if it's really in tune with what he told the nation ...

Happy March 8, President!

Click to enlarge.
[Tuesday 8 marzo 2011]


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