PISTOIA-PIANA. Se il coordinamento dei comitati e il locale comitato stesso ieri chiedevano una risposta ai loro dubbi dopo il comunicato-stampa dell’assessore provinciale Fragai comparso su Nazione e Tirreno , ecco che oggi la risposta arriva, immediata e chiara: da essa è possibile capire che l’impianto è un problema. E non si meni troppo il can per l’aia perché nessuno è stupido.
Stamattina Fragai ci racconta, in cronaca, che una parte dell’impianto resterà chiusa fino ad accertamenti ultimati, e che riaprirà solo se gli esiti saranno favorevoli.
One wonders, however, how reliable - in terms of security - an installation that is not a month goes by that there are no problems or one side or the other. It's all an overrun.
However, beyond the events, the most annoying aspect of the matter is unpleasant and juice intervention Fragai and plant managers, brief, as it seems, from the title of Tirreno " hazardous waste exports. If serve other sites, the costs will be borne by the community. "
And when did the costs were not borne community? When the incinerator was never a gain for local people?
The words sound like a threat and a rebuke to the committees seem to be identified as solely responsible for the increased costs and problems that are poured on citizens.
Cheers nobody mentions.
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[Thursday, March 10, 2011]
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