Monday, March 7, 2011

Factory Outlet Chanel

facebook Facebook subliminal messages: REWARDVILLE

Tips Farmville
ʞooqǝɔɐɟ ns ɐ ɐɹdosoʇʇos ǝɹǝʌıɹɔs ɐʌoɹd

RECOMMENDATION: USE GOOGLE CHROME (download from / chrome )

Zynga ha introdotto  una nuova funzionalità denominata RewardVille.
I RewardVille è uno speciale gioco  di premi Zynga che premierà giocando ai giochi che partecipano i giocatore con zPoints .Ora, RewardVille è finalmente vivi e disponibili per i giocatori!

I giochi prenderanno parte alla promozione sono i seguenti:

- FarmVille;
- YoVille;
- PetVille;
- Mafia Wars;
- FrontierVille;
- Zynga Poker;
- CityVille;
-Cafe Mondo;
- Vampire Wars;
- Treasure Isle;

Per accedere al gioco ecco il link

just open the link you will get 10 and you make an entry zpoints

for effecting the registration you will need to register with

  1. RewardVille
  2. RewardVille "Like" on Facebook Bookmark
  3. RewardVille page
  4. Recruit friends through sending help to make
  5. reggistrazione just click OK on the item as soon as the registration you will get the lates 10 zpoints free

ZPOINTS how to earn?

The way to win is to play the games zPoints zyngaAutomaticamente earn zPoints Zynga.Tuttavia to play, you must register with RewardVille to transfer in zPoints zCoins.

  • Earn up to a maximum of 80 zPoints per game per day.
  • Earn up to a maximum of 300 zPoints accumulated from all your games Zynga day.
  • zPoints Earning increases zLevel and earns zCoins.

You can then take your zCoins redeem for prizes and special exclusive RewardVille that are not available in the market in the farm in addition to the awards zcoins you level up to unlock all the gifts we see the gifts


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