Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Legal Version Of Age Of Empires Full


SERRAVALLE. The news is curious. And funny. But - you know ...? - When you want to give strength to blame the saints, there is always a Knight at hand ...
The knife cuts the government dates back a few months ago, as did the chair of Serravalle to ruin so quickly?
O sucked even before there is something that does not come back ...?
Do not think that our politicians have the ass too attached to the chairs and weight and this resulted in accelerated wear extraordinary furnishings indicted?

Sarà un segno divino per dire che c’è bisogno di… ‘volti’ nuovi?
* * *
E si ruppe la sedia
del consigliere

La mannaia del governo centrale sugli enti locali non miete soltanto vittime illustri. A cadere sotto il peso delle ristrettezze economiche anche gli arredi. Il crollo durante il consiglio comunale, a Serravalle: una sedia, logora dal tempo, ha ceduto, trascinando down an adviser. "Tomorrow we change the meetings" the mayor announced between irony and seriousness.
[Source: The Tirreno ]

Click to enlarge.
[Wednesday, March 9, 2011]


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